Wednesday, September 24, 2008


This is the summary
I wish life was bet simple.
Or At least try to make it that way.
But then again, Reality kicks in.
(question marks)

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Talk to me, My Cellphone

Cellphones nowadays are marvels of technology
they have almost everything you can think of and
all pack in one small package that we came to love
as the modern cellphone. Though they may not be
image of technological perfection. They do in many
ways change the shape of modern society.

Other than the usual "chit chat" and text message
any given cellphone can be your own personal camera
replacing the bulky ones which you usually carry in
a not so regular basis unless if its a cellphone,
And they can do more than taking posterity only your
mother could love. Cellphone vary from brands, technology
capability and capacity.(question marks)

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Monday, September 15, 2008


I’ve been engage in On-line Home Business for 7 years,
my first two years were spent for nothing moving from
one single business to another.


Like most people, indeed 90% of people who join Home
business opportunity don’t know what to do next, sure
were told to do this and that. That is to say if they ever
get into a 100% real home business opportunity and not
some scam program which is sadly too rampant in the
net. In any case on-line profiting program always has this
"what’s next?." attach at the very end after anyone
signs-up be it paid or free to join.

Take me for example.

When I first join this particular program I was told to do
this and that if they join you get paid. Please notice the
word "if".....

Imagine your success in on-line business is hinges on the
word "IF"

Not to disappoint you....It’s just a fact in any business.
"If" you get customers you get paid, pure basics if I
ever see one. For newbie’s and those who are struggling
in there home business that

"if" will be at the very end of things after they sign-up.

Things like

"If " I get this number of people I can be blah, blah, blah,.

What should we do then?.

Exactly how to get referrals/customer to join your program.
First you need a business program that is reliable and 100%
Second you need a marketing system, that teaches you and
your down-lines what to do and how to do it,

The Spider WEB MARKETING SYSTEM promise to deliver all
of that. A marketing system that taps internet’s big names like
Google, Yahoo and more.Tapping multiple streams of income to
anyone who use the system. You don’t need to be a rocket
scientist to do this system. Best part of this system is that it’s
100% FREE. The System utilize unrealized income program your
not even aware of and/or already using but failed to capitalized.
Not too many marketing systems do that Let alone FREE.

Do you have your own world-wide-web yet?

The Spider web marketing system tells you who is, what to do and
where to go. It also helps you how to generate your own active and
live leads. At a cost of nil.

Note: I mention earlier that the system is 100% FREE. That’s
definitely true, But you should also must know that some of the
programs in particular is a paid program but it does not
necessarily mean that you should join this program to earn, the
Spider web employs multiple programs and majority of it is free to

This means that you can choose to bypass paid programs offered .
by the system or move on to the FREE once. Although its highly
recommended paid program listed by the system to maximized
your income potential but it’s basically up to you.
The system has 22 streams of income, "22" now that’s a lot.

Starting a new business on-line is not easy,but it does not mean
its imposible.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Next in line

No matter great or how low we've become
in out life, we will always be next in

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Monday, September 8, 2008

FOOD in the Philippines

Food is essential to all things living and as being
here in the Philippines could be anything from High
end to Low end depending of financial background that
is. This post will explore the realm of Filipino food
from the Famous to the infamous. To the popular and
the less popular if there is such, Basically from a
dinner’s point of view of course depending on my budget.
(question marks)
My First Stop is Fast Food.
If your ask a child. What do you want to go and eat?
Chances are the child would say "Jollibee".....
Indeed Jollibee is a big name in the Philippines.
In fact its a leader in fast food in the Philippines.

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Life has it's limits

Life is full with ups and downs.
No matter how hard we try to make good
there will always walls one bigger than the other.
Most of the time we either go over it or go around it
and in some point go through it.
A journey that all of us must take.
A journey that is life.

At times we win and at times we lose and yet
as every event ends life goes on.
Even those who have more than enough, still need
to do more at the very end.
To maintain or obtain more of what they have.
And on the other side of things, there are those
who do everything and still end up with little
or nothing at all.
Worst for those who have nothing, that I don’t
dare to say what they’ve got.

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