In the Philippines its common to see people that
are somewhat "out in the head" so to speak. Since
Philippine Government lack the funds among other
things like accumulating personal wealth through
corruption an such. Due to this undeniable fact
Government's public service like Health, Welfare.
Are put in the sidelines. It's not something you
want to see. It's very pitiful.
I went to church today, where I met up with a good
friend,who also happen to be the security guard on
duty for the church.
We were talking just outside the church, while the
holy mass was celebrated. An employee came to us
and ask for assistance. Apparently, some guy was
walking carelessly to and from.
His was obviously making a fuss, my friend approach
him and calmly ask him to go out side. The guy said
"I don;t have a passport" the guy was calmly escorted
out side, but My friend Vin got pissed.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Posted by rexdgrey at 5:40 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Lotto? Why not
This is the summary
Lottery has always been a big box office hit worldwide.
From Europe, North America, Australia. Asia and God
know where else. More so true in the Philippines
and since then it turned a lucky few to be instant
In the Philippines, Lottory Started around 1995
governed and controlled by government agency in order
to raise funds for charity.The PCSO or Philippine
Charity Sweaptakes Office was created and given task as
mandated by law. Historically it seems that lottory
in different forms started way back during Spanish era.
But I wasn’t until 1995 that the game lottory became a big
hit compare to previous types of games introduced to the
public. I mean! the pot prizes is crazily huge and growing
from 7 figure to 9 in just a month or two.
A few days ago I bought a lottory ticket. I remember I
friend of mind asking him self a question. When will I
win? A another friend of mine said winning is impossible.
I myself don’t ask such question nor do I think its impossibility.
Coz, I know even in losing I can still make a difference.
So I decided to make a post about it, and see where it goes.
The odds
It’s always been said that the odds of winning is 5,000,000+
to 1, and it get higher as more numbers are added for
selection. With this kind of odds, experts on statistics
believe that a person is more likely be hit by lighting than
winning the lottory.
Philippine Lottory table of Chances
Type of Game odds of winning
6/42 5,000,000+ to 1
6/45 8,000,000+ to 1
6/49 13,000,000+ to 1
Power lotto 34,000,000+ to 1
With these kind of odds its more likely that someone can
throw a rotten egg on the Madam GMA's face a live to tell
to tale.
Discouraging the odds may be, this fact did little to
sway ordinary Filipino lotto patron’s from buying.
I should know coz I’m one of them.
But why?
Surely anyone educated enough would know the odds.
why then? average people like myself takes such odds.
Personally, I don’t know what other people may say, but
for me its a "safe odds". Sure, statistics may say that
it’s more likely a person to be struck by lightning, be in
a road accident, choke on your own food or being abducted by
aliens or something. Taking chances on lottory is something
you can always walk away from, no matter how big the odds
are. And it’s the kind of odds a person choose to have without
sticking head out of a running car.
Honestly I’d rather buy a ticket than a pack of smoke.
I think the real issue is not the odds and probability of
winning. But more on the issue on the "Hope" logic.
But is it really logical putting your chances on something
despite of odds? I’m sure, answer may vary from person
to person.
At any rate here in the Philippines where poverty is at its
all time high.Things like "odds and probability" and even
logic takes a back seat. And in the end it all comes to
"NONE of your Business".
Anyway even if you dont win it always makes a good story.
The "I Almost Won Stories"
Better luck next time " I wonder when? "
Not something to brag about, but I have many experiences in
the Phrase " I almost won "category. The closes was when I
got all correct winning numbers The only problem was they
were all part of different sets of combinations.
wrong side of the Island
Another story was from my very own brother. He got all the
winning numbers "GOOD NEWS" except that he was in the
wrong side of the country.Apparently 6/42 is a regional lottory
divided in two Luzon draw for the Luzon region and viz/min
draw for Visayas and Mendanao regions. The exact Number
combination he bought was drawn in Luzon and his in the
The Particular Day
Another heart warming story was from a humble motorcycle
driver who happen to be a close friend of my brother. Ever
since Lottory began in the Philippines, he always make point
to buy tickets everyday and always the same number
combinations. He kept on buying it everyday for many years.
Until one particular day on one particular year he decided
to skip buying his favorite "lucky combination" just only
for that day.
"Since I’ve been buying this combination for many years,
I think I should skip it for today and buy it tomorrow"
Unfortunately on that particular day he decided to skip, the
number combination he was buying for many years was drawn
and became the winning number combination with a jackpot
prize of more than 50 million.
So, What’s so heart warming about this story?
With all the emotions accumulated its bound to warm a persons
heart in a different way that is,just observe the emo icons.
Oh Crap!
Other than the 4 main lotto game types, there is also minor
type of these is the 4 digit game. Which has a pot prize of
P20,000 per P10 play. This means that anyone can double the
amount of the prize or more depending the amount being paid.
Just so happens that there was this particular friend. Who got
it right, but dealt with it wrongly.
Prior to the eventful saga of his life this particular guy
bought his tickets almost on the daily basis. He also has a
habit of keeping his bought ticket no matter the outcome
(losing tickets).For the reason only he can comprehend.
The day came when he actually won, He was in ecstasy my brother
recalled. He was so happy and told my brother that his patience
payed of, much to my brothers envy. He even show my brother
all the losing tickets he accumulated for many years all having the
same number combination, And true enough my brother said,
He was buying the same number combination.
For some reason only he can comprehend, he started burning the
old tickets. In front of everyone apparently he also accidentally torch
his winning ticket as well.
My brother and company only looked a gasp in disbelief.
That’s life I guess.
To end the post I just what to say to both species of people.
To the Rationalist and statistician or what ever you are.
No matter how big the odds are, someone will always be part
of it.
And for the lotto patrons
Don’t buy lotto unless its for charity.
Don’t make lottory your life’s pursuit.
Posted by rexdgrey at 12:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: Life Style, Personal View
Sunday, October 19, 2008
So Far Away
As times we see our goal visible and
clear, ready for us to grab only to find out
it was just a dream.
Heres a fitting song for just the occasion
From the band staind titled so far away...
So Far Away Acoustic
by Staind
This is my life, its not what it was before
Em/D C/D G
All of these feelings I’ve s hared
D Em/D C/D G D
And these are my dreams, that I’ve never lived before
Em/D C/D G D
Somebody shake me cuz I, I must be
Em/D C/D
G D Em/D
Now that we’re here , So far away
A ll the struggle we thought was in vain
G D Em/D
All the mistakes one life contained
They all finally start to go away
G D Em/D
Now that we’re here, So far away
And I feel like I can face the day
G D Em/D
And I can forgive, and im not ashamed
To be the person that I am today
Verse 2:
Em/D C/D G D
These are my words, that I’ve never said before
Em/D C/D G D
I think im doing ok
Em/D C/D G D
This is the smile, that ive never shown before
Em/D C/D G D Em/D C/D
Somebody shake me cuz I, I must be sleeping
G D Em/D
Now that we’re here , So far away
All the struggle we thought was in vain
G D Em/D
All the mistakes one life contained
They all finally start to go away
G D Em/D
Now that we’re here,So far away
And I feel like I can face the day
G D Em/D
And I can forgive, and im not ashamed
To be the person that I am today
Em/D Gmaj7 G D Em/D Gmaj7 G D
I’m so afraid of waking, please don’t shake me
Em/D Gmaj7 G D Em/D Gmaj7 G D
Afraid of waking,please don’t shake me...
G D Em/D
Now that we’re here , So far away
All the struggle we thought was in vain
G D Em/D
All the mistakes one life contained
They all finally start to go away
G D Em/D
Now that we’re here, So far away
And I feel like I can face the day
G D Em/D
And I can forgive, and im not ashamed
To be the person that I am today
Posted by rexdgrey at 8:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: Music
Friday, October 10, 2008
Lounge Act
This is the summary
Just got home from a little errand.
It’s hot outside and everything was
fast phase luckily I got everything
done On time.
Now I’m sitting in front
of my PC. I was thinking of doin
some work on-line and it just hit me that
I already did half of it this morning
before I went out. Now I think I’ll
just lounge a little and listen to
some acoustic guitar music from Andy McKee.
I think this kind of music is perfect for
this event.
This is the rest of the post
I think the only thing missing is the
view, And everything would have been
perfect. Then again there is no such
thing as perfect moment. "right!?"
Anyway I feel Good And Relax just lounging
the day away. Thank God for it...
Posted by rexdgrey at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: My Life
Monday, October 6, 2008
"Herbs" Ginger
Culinary Uses
It is used in pickles, chutneys and curry pastes and
taken either internally or externally. It is
mentioned in the Karma Sutra, and in the Melanesian
Islands of the South Pacific it is employed ‘to
gain the affection of a woman’s. Conversely,
in the Philippines it is chewed to expel evil spirits.
Ginger is a known diaphoretic, meaning it causes
one to sweat. It was recorded that Henry VIII
instructed the mayor of London to use ginger’s
diaphoretic qualities as a plague medicine.
Ginger is most commonly known for its effectiveness
as a digestive aid. By increasing the production of
digestive fluids and saliva, Ginger helps relieve
indigestion, gas pains, diarrhea and stomach cramping.
The primary known constituents of Ginger Root
include gingerols, zingibain, bisabolenel, oleoresins,
starch, essential oil, mucilage, and protein.
Ginger root is also used to treat nausea related
to both motion sickness and morning sickness. Ginger
has been found to be even more effective than Dramamine
in curbing motion sickness, without causing drowsiness.
Ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties help relieve pain
and reduce inflammation associated with arthritis,
rheumatism and muscle spasms. Ginger’s therapeutic
properties effectively stimulate circulation of the
blood, removing toxins from the body, cleansing the
bowels and kidneys, and nourishing the skin. Other
uses for Ginger Root include the treatment of asthma,
bronchitis and other respiratory problems by loosening
and expelling phlegm from the lungs. Ginger Root may
also be used to help break fevers by warming the body
and increasing perspiration.
• Alleviates sore throat, fever, nausea
• Intestinal disorders and slow digestion
• Treat intestinal worms
• Hinder diarrhea, gas pains
• Relieve indigestion (dyspepsia), toothaches
• Lower cholesterol levels
• Aids treatment of tuberculosis
ginger root, or from steam distillation
of the oil in the root. The herb is available
in extracts, tinctures, capsules, and oils.
Fresh ginger root can also be purchased and
prepared as a tea. And as mention Ginger is
ginger snaps, ginger sticks, and ginger ale
The more concentrated the better.
remove the skin and chew small portions.
to the skin.
the root and apply to painful areas -can
be mixed with oil for easy application.
2 years of age. Ginger may be used by children
over 2 years of age to treat nausea, digestive
cramping, and headaches. Adjust the recommended
adult dose to account for the child’s weight.
Most herbal dosages for adults are calculated
on the basis of a 150 lb (70 kg) adult. Therefore,
if the child weighs 50 lb (20 - 25 kg), the
appropriate dose of ginger for this child would be
1/3 of the adult dosage.
in one day (this includes the ginger obtained through
diet such as from ginger ale, ginger snaps, and ginger
bread). Usually, food sources contain no more than
0.5% ginger.
doses with food, standardized to contain 4% volatile
oils or 5% total pungent compounds including 6-gingerol
or 6-shogaol.
root daily (0.25 - 1.0 g of powdered root) or 1.5 -
3.0 mL (30 - 90 drops) liquid extract daily. To prevent
vomiting, take 1 gram of powdered ginger (1/2 tsp) or
its equivalent, every 4 hours as needed (not to exceed
4 doses daily), or 2 ginger capsules (1 gram), 3 times
daily. You may also chew a 1/4 oz piece of fresh ginger
when needed.
or tea, 2 - 4 grams daily. Topical ginger oil may also be
rubbed into a painful joint. Fresh ginger root may also be
placed in a warm poultice or compress and apply to painful
menstrual cramps: Steep 2 tbsp of freshly shredded ginger
in hot water, 2 - 3 times daily. A drop of ginger oil or a
few slices of fresh rhizome may also be placed in steaming
water and inhaled.
to strengthening the body and treating disease.
Herbs, however, contain components that can
trigger side effects and interact with other
herbs, supplements, or medications. For these
reasons, herbs should be taken with care, under
the supervision of a health care provider
qualified in the field of botanical medicine.
if taken in excessive doses the herb may cause mild
heartburn. Some of the mild gastrointestinal side
effects, such as belching, heartburn, or stomach upset,
may be relieved by taking ginger supplements in capsules.
taking ginger. Make sure to tell your doctor if you are
taking ginger and will be going to surgery or placed
under anesthesia for any reason. Do not take ginger if
non-prescription medications. If you are currently
being treated with any of the following medications,
you should not use ginger without first talking to
your health care provider.
there have been no scientific or case reports of interactions
between ginger and blood-thinning medications, such as
aspirin and warfarin. However, people taking medications
that thin the blood should use ginger only under the
supervision of a health care provider.
Posted by rexdgrey at 8:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: health, Life Style
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
"Instant Noodle" Plus
To begin with, I just want all to know that I’m
not and expert in cooking neither am I close to
being the Macgyver in cooking. but when your
hungry and waking up very late in the morning
all you think off is fast food and a shorter
time to prepare the better.
In my lifetime I've learn the fastest way to cook
is to stick it in boiling water. Anyway, I decided
to do just that and see where it goes from there.
First stop, "the noodle and Friends"
I don't know about some countries, But here in the
east particularly in the Philippines . The fabled
Instant Noodles are in many ways a big hit.
And for today it's my best friend.
Regular off the shelf everyday instant noodle
Noodle comes in different for this event I"m using
"bulario" flavor.
The entrails of the fabled noodle
Now, instant noodle aren’t really nutritious food to
partake on a daily bases. And though I don’t eat this
stuff except for emergency cases. But it’s nice to have
one once in a while. And did I mention I was starving.
In my case I prefer adding some stuff to keep thing on
a even state.
The plus factor
Some easy to cook vegetables some slice ham and tosino
sausage and your regular egg.
Let the dance begin
Add Flavoring to boiling water
My friend once said I can’t cook water. Guess What!
Since I got a "no cook noodle" I took a few cups
from the pan and put it on a bawl where the noodle
No sense cooking it
After that I had it covered up and let it sit for a few minutes.
While I cook the rest of the ingredients.
Things add up
Basically just put everything up and let is simmer tel it’s done
once all of it are good to go just add both ingredients.
Good to Go
No cook noodles is good to go
Friends are Good to Go
1 + 1 = 1?
Lets Rock
Now then
After all the fuss in the kitchen it’s time to rock
And what’s the prognosis is......... Stick a fork on me I'm done...
I think, I might do this sometime soon.
Posted by rexdgrey at 8:56 AM 0 comments