With things being said and done for the pass months I've totally forgot to post any in all my blogs. And here I was planning to make another one. If one can put my activities on a chart for this blog it doesn't take much of a rocket scientist to figure out the consistency of my post. Of course there are plenty of reasons for it, from technical, scientific, Emotional instances to plain laziness or just the fact that I actually forgot. Being now as they actually are, I exclaim to redeem myself from this forgetful debacle. And try to write once again. Its kind of embarrassing really. Anyway I hope to make good progress as the days comes without end, whatever that means.
In another side of the dormant story I've recently discovered micro blogging "duh". A unique way expression that's is similar to blogging only to be slap at the face with the word "micro" yet totally different from it. I think its wise for to discuss this in my other dormant blog. Anyway I'm totally hook to it. In many disturbing ways.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
OMG! I totally forgot to post
Posted by rexdgrey at 6:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: My Life
Friday, July 17, 2009
Slowing down
There will always be a time when thing goes slow and slower than the usual. This blog is no different I suppose. This blog for example though not entirely my fault. Anyway, my PC problem is solve and I'm hopeful it remain that way and as for my postings, that's another nut to crack, for now I'm just thankful that my PC is fixed and fixed good thanks to my brother, his pretty good at it actually. Having this PC problem since the start of this year was very counter productive in many ways. It even got worst on stormy days. I think they call it EMP got hit by it during thunders storms twice this year and this is my 3rd unit in the course of 9 years.
Anyways its good to be on track once more.
Posted by rexdgrey at 5:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: My Life
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Gloomy and I don't know why
For No Apparent reason this days seem to be a bit gloomy and it pissed me of coz I got no idea why. It a feeling of uncertainty, of worries and such. No point thinking about it to much though.
Posted by rexdgrey at 5:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: My Life
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
On-line home business plus social media
From SEO and everything, we heard a lot about social media
an what it can do to your on-line home business. So whats the deal?
Does it work?
so, Her it is Link
Posted by rexdgrey at 11:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: Business, Cool Stuff, On-line/Home Business
Friday, April 24, 2009
Huh!? The Future? What about it?
Yesterday I saw the movie trailer for Angels and Demon, from the
guys who brought the movie the De Vinci Code to the wide screen
staring Tom Hanks. Honestly, I've never read the book nor seen
the movie. But since both movies has something to do with Free
Masonry and Illuminati or something one can probably say "global
conspiracy at its finest" and such. Also yesterday I saw another
trailers of the movie "2012" it was an awesome graphic to behold.
The 2012 trailer shows a Buddhist monastery up high in the
Himalayas, the old monk was ringing a bell and then suddenly
looking at the wall of mountains that overshadowed his monastery
which is considerably high a top a mountain, suddenly a wall of
water gushing toward the monastery. The old monk stood still
bewildered are stupefied and still continuing to ring the bell,
and then the monastery was overwhelmed.
If I were in the old guy's shoes I would probably say "oh Sh#t!".
Ever since the passage of time, personalities have always written
a lot about the future, from the Holy books, like the bible and
through out history and even ancient civilizations. Now, you must
be wondering what does "global conspiracy" got to do with "the end
of the world genre", Probably not much, certainly these people
running behind it probably think that its a bad day for global
domination if such a catastrophic event were to take place. So,
both topics don't really mix well together at least not to the
people involve, except if your looking at it on a different angle.
In the Beginning
I first heard of stories about "the end of the world" when I in
4th grade. when my mother and sister join the Catholic Charismatic
Renewal Movement, though they spoke of it briefly and rarely
mention it afterward. I guess it frighten them particularly my
mother, The prospect "Sudden Death" never really set well with her.
Why would it end in an catastrophic way?
Will the answer might be different, depending greatly to a persons
To the religious faithful particularly Christians.
It's the wrath of God falls unto mankind for its sins, that brings
about a change into a new heaven and new earth.
To the non-religious how ever its a bit different.
Climate change, nuclear war, an asteroid hit or anything that can
be easily explain by science.
And for silly reason beyond my limited knowledge, Doom's day for
some, is the name of the guys who beat Superman to the pulp.
This only means that everybody has different views about doom's day.
And I believe a huge chunk or humanity don't even know if there is
such, actual written or otherwise.
Anyway, hearing stories at the time when the Cold War Era was still
looming above and my country the Philippines was in Political
transition from long years of dictatorship which I came to remember
as the coup De tat era. Young as I was then, I really cared less
about politics or current event, global issues. But a global event
like "dooms day" really caught my attention. Just think for a few
seconds, and write this in your head.
"Dooms Day" before, during and after.
Such an event would certainly put a smile on a history buff like
myself, a smile with a bewildering thought that it. Its Science
fiction and History on steroids.
Such thoughts circulated within me every now and then, and during
the Cold War era, that possibility is just a few hours away. Of
course it never happen the Iron Curtain fell on it's ass and broke
to pieces. Adding fuel to the fire to my curiosity was Hollywood
movies like Terminator, Mad Max and other movies with pre-Apocalyptic
genre. I've also learn about it in television, back then there was
a show called "the world tomorrow" produced by some Christian
denomination from the United States and aired in the Philippines.
The show talks about future events in the Bible from the old to
the new Testament according to their point of view. What I try to
say is, its really impossible not to know about such stuff in part
or in whole wither I like it or not.
About global conspirator, I learn about them when I stumble on a
book about the "end of time". As to the very existence of these
people, YES they do exist. I even heard a lot about them taking
sensitive, influential positions in the Philippine government and
society. As to the conspiracy in which they are linked I don't know.
It is safe to say that because of their group's secrecy they 're
subject to suspicion. Either way, Free Masonry and the Roman
Catholic Church don't mix.
Now you might be wondering.
Am I a Dooms day / Global Conspiracy theorist?
My answer would be. How the heck should I know.
Do I believe any of it? Global Conspiracy and
Dooms day?
My answer.
Global Conspiracy
History is forge by conspiracies, even Christian Mystery of salvation
was forge by the conspiracy of a few(Judas and company). wither or not
there is a secret group of elite, wealthy and extremely influential
people that's manipulating,conspiring, dominating mankind to their
own interest and God knows what else. May be? in the end only history
can tell.
Doom"s day
For such an event to come, it doesn't really matter to me. wither it
may happen a few years from now, a few generations to come, the next
month or even tomorrow, it doesn't really matter. For me live a good
and just life and you'll be fine. Besides all of us have our own
personal doom's day to come. Even the Catholic Church don't really
say much about "dooms day", to the church doom's days is just a
transition of one extremely evil era to a golden era, the end of a
painful pilgrimage so to speak,though the event would costs billions
of lives,it is a path that we as a race choose to take because of our
deeds. At least that's what Catholic Prophesy among many religious
Accidental Finding
With all being said one might think that I actually feed on this,
like my daily bread and butter in the morning with coffee and
consume everything down the pipe on a regular bases. In actuality,
I stumble to it all by accident the book, the clipping and every
were all oddly coincidental and accidental in nature. Take for
example the four horse men of the Apocalypse, I found out about
these guys when I was watching TV waiting for the cartoon shows.
Even now I always came across tons of books about Dooms day and
everything. Last year I even came across by accident a documentary
film about the year 2012.
Doom's Day, then again not yet.
" And you will hear wars and rumors to wars "
The Dooms Day False Alarm
Cold War
One of the false alarm was the Cold war in which Two side was expected
christened each other with a unhealthy dose violence colminating with
an eventual historic nuke fest. History on the other hand tells a
different story as the Iron curtain collapses on itself without a
single nuke being fired.
Golf War
when Iraq invaded Kuwait early in late in 1990-91 everybody I know or
I think they are, at least, that its the beginning of the end of the
world. That was fueled by the fact that a certain prophet by the name
of Nostradamus describe world war 3 and the 3rd and final Anti-Christ
would come from the middle east and bring the west to its knees and
say "uncle". I remember a local TV station broadcast the movie of
Nostradamus just for the momentous event.
Now, the U.S. is back in Iraq for the second time, The supposed
Anti-Christ is dead, and the World War 3 turn out to be a cat and
mouse war.
The Y2K scares
Perhaps one of the greatest Dooms day False alarm was the coming of
the year 2000 in which time nothing really happen.
The plan blog post
Before anything else I would like to make it clear.
I'm Not a Prophet or a seer.
I'm not a living Saint or anything close to it.
I'm Not a conspiracy theorist, what ever that means.
I'm not a member of any dooms day cult freaks.
I'm not a member of any groups that says "The world
is ours to dominate".
I'm just a humble blogger who write stuff just for
the fun of it.
The Plan
My plan is to write an alternate historic future events that shake
humanity to its core. starting from today's current event until
D-day December 21, 2012 and beyond. Of course I will based this on
stuff I accidentally came across with. It will involve countries
great and small, possible personalities, global, religious and
military and secret and not so secret organization, technologies
and weapon. and above all prophesies more particularly catholic
Marian prophecy.With these in mine I would just like to make
this clear that I'm doing this for the fun of it.
And I'll categorize this as Alternate Future Events.
Until my next post
Posted by rexdgrey at 2:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Alternate Future Events, Entertainment
Monday, April 6, 2009
Maintaining 3 blogs
In just a weeks time I made 2 blogs
The first is my very own weird blog
Dream Chronicle. And the second
is All about GDI. So all in all
I'm maintaining 3 blogs with weekly
post every week. I'm also planning to
create another one.
Posted by rexdgrey at 8:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: My Life
Monday, March 23, 2009
Certified & Guaranteed On-line Home Business
Business That even an Idiot can do.
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boom you certainly don't want to mess this one. The
Program offers A SIMPLE, Fully-Automated Marketing
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I got from GDI, Working at home for the past 5 years.
every time you shop, do surveys, play game, listen to
music or videos, basically SnapDollars pays you to
complete offers. Best theres a $5 dollar bonus just for
on-line marketeer having a marketing system is essential.
This marketing system is simple, it come with its own video
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income. best of all the system is 100% FREE.
earn commissions as a PayDotCom affiliate. Earn sales
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your favorite choice of products and services. Signing
up is FREE.
To put it simple, it pays its user for make friends,just
like facebook, frienster and such, except that Yuwei
pays you(user) and its for FREE.
Posted by rexdgrey at 11:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: On-line/Home Business
Monday, March 16, 2009
A Blog About Dream
Dreams, from every facet of civilization dream
has been seen in so many different angle. From
religion to fiction. But, what are dream? and
what are they for. Science can probably give me
tons of explanation. And I doubt I understand
any of it, Dreams can mean a lot to different
people. One can think of it as a path one should
undertake in order to achieve. It could be a
desire, hope or whatever. Heck, I even dream of
winning the lottery one day. (doesn't everybody)
But, I'm not talking about that stuff. What I
want to talk about dream itself. What I see,
feel and hear in my dream when I slumber the
night away. It might be interesting, who knows
some of my readers might interpret my dream for
me. It might end up like a guide for dream
interpreter or a dream analyst or something.
Anyway, I actually created a new blog just for
chronicling my dreams. And write as much of it as
I can remember. The purpose of which still remain
sketchy, but I thought it might be fun. Anyway,
If everybody is blogging about there waking life,
why not life when I'm asleep.
If somebody can interpret my dream be it good or
bad like a dream dictionary then its a good thing.
I try to do it as poetically as I can (yeah, right)
As if I know poetry.
Posted by rexdgrey at 2:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: My Life
Saturday, March 14, 2009
33rd birthday
Today is my 33rd Birthday.....
So, its happy birthday to me then.
For my wish, id say ....
For my plans,...
I guess that sums it up.
That sucks isn't it
Posted by rexdgrey at 5:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: My Life
Saturday, March 7, 2009
A bad internet connection and a lazy habit makes a bad combo
This week, my productivity was low due to my poor
internet connection. It seem to have gotten
worst this week, Though it manage to stabilized
early today but only for a bit, enabling to wok for a
short while. Generally my internet connection sucks
ever since with the exception this which by any
standard was the worst.
I still don't get why the company calls it broadband
internet service, since it's service is pretty much
in the narrow side of things. Now, is vertually early
in the evening making me pretty darn lazy to do any
other work. And it's Sunday tomorrow so no work for me.
Come to think of it, this blog is bigening to become
a rant blog. Anyway, I hope to a good job next week, and
probably work on some good stuff for people to read about.
With the crises and everything I think it would be best
to do just that.
Posted by rexdgrey at 5:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: My Life
Sunday, March 1, 2009
February 2009 End of the Month Blog Report
I decided to created and end of the month report
and post it on this blog, This will be my 1st,
Honestly I should have done this a long time ago,
it's just that, the idea of a monthly blog re post
just came to me a few minutes ago.
So it's still fresh.
Basically the report summarize events and activities
of the entire month. What I've learn, what I failed
to do and the eventual lesson I've gained . Any way
I hope it would become an interesting post for reader
to ponder upon.
February 2009 Blog Report
The month of February was the month of restructuring.
In many ways, its also the month that I've learn
something new.
Like most, February is the month of love with valentine
air circulating everywhere. Yet, the even failed to
intoxicate me. Maybe because I had no one to celebrate
it with. sigh
Which was fine none the less. But oddly I'm not
the only one thinking so, everyone seems to be very
busy about something or at least most of the people
I know. Except for one young guy I know will, With
lead me to say. The day of hearths are for the young.
Nah, What the heck... never mind
My Livelihood
Other than my usual home base business which is
something I've always done for the past 5 years(not
mentioning the first 2 years of struggling about).
I've come to discover the power of blogging and
learning ways to monetized my blog, Hence the
restructuring I mention earlier. Now I'm steadily
learning the intricacies of monetizing, which is
something not easily done.
With all honestly, I think I came late in the game.
So I need to catch up fast,
Well, as the old saying goes, Better late than never.
With all this structuring and learning, I can predict
with certainly, what the month of March would be like.
In any case it ought be be a challenge for sure.
Delayed Post
As for my post, I need to finish two more post for the
month of February. Something that should have been done
by now. Apparently I event's got hold of me and I was
unable to finish either of them.
The first should have been publish on the second week.
It talks about a certain someone from the Philippines.
Who is dying to meet the new U.S. Pres. Barak Obama.
And did every thing to achieved it. The scenario as the
media depict was some thing like the Classic world war 2
film "The bridge to far".
While the Second post reflects on the historical event
in the Philippines The first EDZA Revolution.
Anyway, it does sound very weird, if I were to publish it
on the date intended. While here, I am Writing about it
being late.
I think I should Publish it on March. that means I have
to redo some of the stuff I've already written.
On-line Banking Problems....
I have 2 bank account which I used to transact my
online business with. The problem is that the bank
on-line system failed to deliver what all customer
expect. That is quality service including a cost
effective costumer care system, specially for those
who are in the provinces.
In other words the banks (union Bank of the Philippines)
failed to deliver even the smallest hint of costumer care
and services. And for the Lack of a better world It "Suck"
Unfortunately this is the only bank that is the most
"convenient" in term of on-line banking payment or otherwise.
or at least used to.
In my case I got my newly replace card last January, And
today is the last day of February. And I'm still nowhere
near to accessing my account online. It's probably best if
they switch back to the old system. Seems to me they've been
updating there system far to much, that it went beyond there
control. I mean, there customer service doesn't even have
an email service for the clients. which would have been the
most convenient for me.
Reminds me of windows vista, were it can't do Sh!t
Anyway Union bank costumer care service "Sucks"
This ends my February End of the month Report.
Posted by rexdgrey at 9:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: My Life
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
When the slump hits you head on
the day.Then I got hit by a whirlwind of ideas,
on what to write about, only to lose it in the end.
If that's not slump I don't know what is.
Anyway, I ended up watching some documentary
on the history channel. And as to my hope of
writing something meaningful evaporated before
me. I think the best way to deal with it is
to sleep it off, and try again tomorrow.
Posted by rexdgrey at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: My Life
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day to all
Almost every part of the world celebrates Valentine's
day. Much is written about today the feast of
St. Valentine and yet little is know about the person
Here in the Philippines is no different gifts like flowers,
Chocolate, Valentine's card, dates and many more just
to name a few. It's a day of expression to someone
who is considered special be it friend, family or lover.
In many ways Valentine's day means a lots of things to
many people.
As I'm writing this blog I can hear the community's
Valentine's Day party just I few blocks from my house.
And just a few moments ago the noise and flash of
fireworks from a local beach hotel and resort.
But what does it all really mean in the day of hearts.
I'm sure, If I ask someone that person would probably
say "love".
Then What?
Sure todays Valentine's Day, So what?
What did we learn from it?
Who is it for?
What did St. Valentine do?
As I mention before Valentine's Day means a lot of things
to many people.
What does this day mean to you?
I won't lecture you. God knows I may need more lecturing
than you. All I want is for you to think deep and wide.
Who knows something good may come out of it.
Happy Valentine's Day to all
Posted by rexdgrey at 3:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: My Life, Personal View