Monday, March 23, 2009

Certified & Guaranteed On-line Home Business

These are Certified & Guaranteed On-line Home
Business That even an Idiot can do.
:okay::okay::okay::okay::okay::okay: is one of the most powerful on-line business
opportunity in the internet. If you messed the "dot com"
boom you certainly don't want to mess this one. The
Program offers A SIMPLE, Fully-Automated Marketing
System for its affiliate. best of all you can try it for FREE
for 7 days. Honestly, I'm living off my life from the income
I got from GDI, Working at home for the past 5 years.

SnapDollar has a very simple concept, they pay you
every time you shop, do surveys, play game, listen to
music or videos, basically SnapDollars pays you to
complete offers. Best theres a $5 dollar bonus just for

Do you have your own world-wide-web yet?
Spiderweb for every on-line marketeer and would be
on-line marketeer having a marketing system is essential.
This marketing system is simple, it come with its own video
tutorial and it employs multiple stream of mind numbing
income. best of all the system is 100% FREE.

Paydotcom promote products in our marketplace and
earn commissions as a PayDotCom affiliate. Earn sales
commission from 5% to 80% by linking customers to
your favorite choice of products and services. Signing
up is FREE.

Yuwei is a social network program that pays its user.
To put it simple, it pays its user for make friends,just
like facebook, frienster and such, except that Yuwei
pays you(user) and its for FREE.

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Monday, March 16, 2009

A Blog About Dream

Dreams, from every facet of civilization dream
has been seen in so many different angle. From
religion to fiction. But, what are dream? and
what are they for. Science can probably give me
tons of explanation. And I doubt I understand
any of it, Dreams can mean a lot to different
people. One can think of it as a path one should
undertake in order to achieve. It could be a
desire, hope or whatever. Heck, I even dream of
winning the lottery one day. (doesn't everybody)

But, I'm not talking about that stuff. What I
want to talk about dream itself. What I see,
feel and hear in my dream when I slumber the
night away. It might be interesting, who knows
some of my readers might interpret my dream for
me. It might end up like a guide for dream
interpreter or a dream analyst or something.

Anyway, I actually created a new blog just for
chronicling my dreams. And write as much of it as
I can remember. The purpose of which still remain
sketchy, but I thought it might be fun. Anyway,
If everybody is blogging about there waking life,
why not life when I'm asleep.

If somebody can interpret my dream be it good or
bad like a dream dictionary then its a good thing.
I try to do it as poetically as I can (yeah, right)
As if I know poetry.

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Saturday, March 14, 2009

33rd birthday

Today is my 33rd Birthday.....
So, its happy birthday to me then.
For my wish, id say ....
For my plans,...

I guess that sums it up.

That sucks isn't it


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Saturday, March 7, 2009

A bad internet connection and a lazy habit makes a bad combo

(question marks)
This week, my productivity was low due to my poor
internet connection. It seem to have gotten
worst this week, Though it manage to stabilized
early today but only for a bit, enabling to wok for a
short while. Generally my internet connection sucks
ever since with the exception this which by any
standard was the worst.

I still don't get why the company calls it broadband
internet service, since it's service is pretty much
in the narrow side of things. Now, is vertually early
in the evening making me pretty darn lazy to do any
other work. And it's Sunday tomorrow so no work for me.

Come to think of it, this blog is bigening to become
a rant blog. Anyway, I hope to a good job next week, and
probably work on some good stuff for people to read about.
With the crises and everything I think it would be best
to do just that. (question marks)

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Sunday, March 1, 2009

February 2009 End of the Month Blog Report

I decided to created and end of the month report
and post it on this blog, This will be my 1st,
Honestly I should have done this a long time ago,
it's just that, the idea of a monthly blog re post
just came to me a few minutes ago.

So it's still fresh.

Basically the report summarize events and activities
of the entire month. What I've learn, what I failed
to do and the eventual lesson I've gained . Any way
I hope it would become an interesting post for reader
to ponder upon. (question marks)
February 2009 Blog Report

The month of February was the month of restructuring.
In many ways, its also the month that I've learn
something new.

Like most, February is the month of love with valentine
air circulating everywhere. Yet, the even failed to
intoxicate me. Maybe because I had no one to celebrate
it with. sigh
Which was fine none the less. But oddly I'm not
the only one thinking so, everyone seems to be very
busy about something or at least most of the people
I know. Except for one young guy I know will, With
lead me to say. The day of hearths are for the young.
Wait (question marks) the minute! I'm not that old. (question marks)
Nah, What the heck... never mind (question marks)
My Livelihood

Other than my usual home base business which is
something I've always done for the past 5 years(not
mentioning the first 2 years of struggling about).
I've come to discover the power of blogging and
learning ways to monetized my blog, Hence the
restructuring I mention earlier. Now I'm steadily
learning the intricacies of monetizing, which is
something not easily done.

With all honestly, I think I came late in the game.
So I need to catch up fast, (question marks)
Well, as the old saying goes, Better late than never.
With all this structuring and learning, I can predict
with certainly, what the month of March would be like.
In any case it ought be be a challenge for sure.

Delayed Post

As for my post, I need to finish two more post for the
month of February. Something that should have been done
by now. Apparently I event's got hold of me and I was
unable to finish either of them.

The first should have been publish on the second week.
It talks about a certain someone from the Philippines.
Who is dying to meet the new U.S. Pres. Barak Obama.
And did every thing to achieved it. The scenario as the
media depict was some thing like the Classic world war 2
film "The bridge to far".
While the Second post reflects on the historical event
in the Philippines The first EDZA Revolution.
Anyway, it does sound very weird, if I were to publish it
on the date intended. While here, I am Writing about it
being late.

I think I should Publish it on March. that means I have
to redo some of the stuff I've already written.

(question marks) How troublesome....

On-line Banking Problems....

I have 2 bank account which I used to transact my
online business with. The problem is that the bank
on-line system failed to deliver what all customer
expect. That is quality service including a cost
effective costumer care system, specially for those
who are in the provinces.

In other words the banks (union Bank of the Philippines)
failed to deliver even the smallest hint of costumer care
and services. And for the Lack of a better world It "Suck"
Unfortunately this is the only bank that is the most
"convenient" in term of on-line banking payment or otherwise.
or at least used to.

In my case I got my newly replace card last January, And
today is the last day of February. And I'm still nowhere
near to accessing my account online. It's probably best if
they switch back to the old system. Seems to me they've been
updating there system far to much, that it went beyond there
control. I mean, there customer service doesn't even have
an email service for the clients. which would have been the
most convenient for me.

Reminds me of windows vista, were it can't do Sh!t

Anyway Union bank costumer care service "Sucks"

This ends my February End of the month Report.

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