Friday, April 24, 2009

Huh!? The Future? What about it?

Yesterday I saw the movie trailer for Angels and Demon, from the
guys who brought the movie the De Vinci Code to the wide screen
staring Tom Hanks. Honestly, I've never read the book nor seen
the movie. But since both movies has something to do with Free
Masonry and Illuminati or something one can probably say "global
conspiracy at its finest" and such. Also yesterday I saw another
trailers of the movie "2012" it was an awesome graphic to behold.
The 2012 trailer shows a Buddhist monastery up high in the
Himalayas, the old monk was ringing a bell and then suddenly
looking at the wall of mountains that overshadowed his monastery
which is considerably high a top a mountain, suddenly a wall of
water gushing toward the monastery. The old monk stood still
bewildered are stupefied and still continuing to ring the bell,
and then the monastery was overwhelmed.

If I were in the old guy's shoes I would probably say "oh Sh#t!".

Ever since the passage of time, personalities have always written
a lot about the future, from the Holy books, like the bible and
through out history and even ancient civilizations. Now, you must
be wondering what does "global conspiracy" got to do with "the end
of the world genre", Probably not much, certainly these people
running behind it probably think that its a bad day for global
domination if such a catastrophic event were to take place. So,
both topics don't really mix well together at least not to the
people involve, except if your looking at it on a different angle.

Read More......

Monday, April 6, 2009

Maintaining 3 blogs

In just a weeks time I made 2 blogs
The first is my very own weird blog
Dream Chronicle. And the second
is All about GDI. So all in all
I'm maintaining 3 blogs with weekly
post every week. I'm also planning to
create another one.

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