Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Why Niche Marketing Can Be Profitable

Niche marketing is a term you will frequently come across referred to on online chat rooms and forums in connection with ways to make an income online. Niche marketing not a tough concept to understand because it merely refers to a market sub-division where customers are looking to purchase particular products or services who can be targetted online. A niche in the market can be a relatively untapped and lucrative resource since there are more buyers than sellers or, in other words, fewer competitors for your business. In this article, we will discuss how you can turn niche marketing into a lucrative undertaking.

The first stage in finding niches you can profit from is to conduct some market research and there are sites online that make this relatively quick and simple. Two of the best web sites to start your search for a niche are Amazon and Clickbank. Here you'll get a lot of ideas for prospective niches. At these sites you can look through the product categories to find ones that are selling well and make a short list to be refined at the next stage.

Once you have a few possible markets to check out, you need to begin to do some keyword research to find out if there are niches you can compete in and that have the potential to make you some profit. There are several keyword tools both gratis and paid and when starting out, most people will use Google's own keyword tool which is one of the free options. The aim of keyword research is to uncover longer keyword phrases that are being looked for by reasonable numbers of people in the search engines. These words have decent traffic to make it worthwhile to target them, and ought to have less competition in you niche.

The way to check on the amount of competition for your chosen keyword phrases is to type the word within quotation marks into the Google search bar and click on the Search button. You will then see the number of search results returned for that term and this is also the number of sites you will be competing against. Obviously, you don't want a lot of competition for any of your keyword phrases. Some of these longer key phrases will be the names and model numbers of certain products which are search terms used by mass who are about to purchase rather than those just looking for information.

Having completed the research and decided on a prospective niche market, you can now begin to create a web site using your list of profitable niche keywords. A self-hosted Wordpress blog has been shown to be particularly effective for this, especially if you can use this on a domain that is a perfect match for your keyword phrase. If you see that an exact match domain is available, this can help you to rank well for the search term although we are not meaning trademark names here but more general buying terms.

After you have everything ready, you can start to monetize your site to generate passive income and eventually sell the site for a lump sum if you are inclined to.

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