Thursday, January 29, 2009
Corner Stone
Posted by rexdgrey at 7:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: My Life
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Manny Pacquiao's Funny Pics collection
Filipino boxing star Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao
has never more famous as he is now. So much
so that fans more particularly Computer savvy
folks with a huge creative thinking coupled with
equally huge knowhow, Has offered us a few but
delightful ways to look at things more differently
than we should. This guy has touch many categories
than anyone else I know, Here are some as some
celebrated edited pics of the man fast who is
becoming a legend.
The first FunPacpic I've ever came across
was this
World of Finance
First thing that got into my mind was "WTF"
If this was circulated to the public , then there would
be a new meaning to inflation.
Historical Posterity
Here's the new Philippine National Hero Version
In his days J. Rizal was a good Martial Artest.
Why not?! then...If the two would square off
who do you think would win?
World of Entertainment
I've always been a fan of The Lord of the Rings
Here are a few iconic characters of the movie
Looking for something precious...
The King of Gondor
Saving Private Ryan
I Don't think he needs saving, One can see his
fully loaded...
Pacman the Superman
What happen if superman gets a slight dose of KRYPTONITE
(did I spell that right)
If Superman looks like that, his better
off being Clark Kent or better yet use a mask.
I think this pic is badly done, the head is a bit off
in many ways.
No Comment
It's all in the hands, As they say...
So far, this seems to be the best in the music category
Who's bad, I'm Bad...
Children And Poverty
Poverty in the Philippine has always been a
problem, A country who's government is administered
by the corrupt.
It is not something to be laugh about or to be made
funny of.
For me, these gets the lowest mark.
They did give me a Most specially the first one.
Here's a cute one though....
Man! when we dug in so deep...
Other than boxing Pacman is also good with.
and his all-time favorite past time other
than boxing....
I know what your thinking, If your faced with this
huge excuse for being extremely fat. Is the 100%
probability of saying "oh Shit!"
Current Events
The Former
The New
Now we know what he looks like in a suit.
I don't know what category these fulls into,
but one thing is certain it's down right disturbing.
The great faces for boxing history
This one takes the cake.
To those who make this stuff. thank you for making
my day...
Posted by rexdgrey at 9:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: Humor
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The Best Job in the World
offering the Best Job in the world reading
the headline I remembered the great basketball
player Michael Jordan saying during one his
interviews that "Basketball is the greatest job in
the world" or something like that.
Anyway I was a bit curious nonetheless. So I
decided to do some searching. And what
could possibly be this "best job in the world"?
No kidding!
Though not as extremely will paid like those
of a sport super star among other things.
It does certainly make heads turn the
other way.
So lets straighten things out just a little bit.
The Job Description
The job is basically a "caretakers job" in a basic sense of
things, a bit like a janitorial job with a nice view and a mind
bugling stash for a period of six months, not to mention
your own rent free place, 3 bedroom fully furnish shack
with pool.
Also once hired other than being the environmental janitor.
Successfully applicants must demonically possess (just kidding)
the following. Must be a blogger or at least know how to write in
English whatever it is his/her doing in the course of the said
contract. Must also posses enough brains to operate a camera and
PC to say the least. And enough pleasing personality to charm the
media in every form.
Now isn't that mouth watering
The Job includes the following activities such as soaking up
Ultra violet rays from the sun(just kidding), swimming, snorkeling,
sailing, scuba diving and in the end of every week he/she get
to report about everything being done so far via blog, video and
pics to the whole world. Applicants should be physically and
psychologically fit to take on the job, should a left falls into the
pool or something. They also mention about feeding the fish.
The Office
While most of us work in an unearthly environment this one
is extremely something else. Successful applicant get to work right
smack in the center of the great barrier reef know for its natural
beauty and everything else in mine. A working environment only
a few could ever experience on a daily basis for a period 6 months.
Walk on white sand beach, feeding the fish, taking pictures and videos
talk to the media write a weekly report. And that's it at least that's
what the ads says...
So to some things up, instead of looking like this...
Applicants may probably look more like this...
Strategical Ploy
People behind the job offer express optimism of the enterprise.
Employing somebody to work and at a same time doing what
tourist do best seems very promising. Filling a vacant spot and
advertising work place is more like hitting two birds with one stone.
With world economy is at it's all time slump one sector that is
heavily affected by this downward spiral is the tourism sector.
By employing one or couple of people may deliver a serious
awareness campaign to the rest of the world.
One things bothering me though.
What ever happened to the previous guy? as in, the guy before?
Global Enthusiasms
The Ads did make a huge ruckus all over the world. With an offering
like this who wouldn't. Somebody even got a tattoo for it. I wont be
surprised if somebody jump off a building just to get some attention.
Or just plain and simple begging.
I wonder if this works
Work Hazards
Being, or in this case working in paradise does have it's perk.
and as one can see in the video, its hard to imagine any esle but fun
under the sun. But if one can think carefully, the various varieties
of birds, plant life, Fish and many more can be a cause of concern.
One can be certain, that not all of them can be friendly to once
health. From killer salt water crocodile, poisonous sea snake, jelly
fish, stingrays, Blue Ringed Octopus and not to mention a occasional
vision from the legendary great white shark.
plenty to go around.
So, applicant need to have extensive knowledge of the sea or at least
a high degree of respect. Otherwise a certain enthusiasm can be a
sudden epitaph.
And the Ads says feed a few thousands fish.
Just don't get too personal
Anyways, it seems the job offer may indeed be one of the best.
But will it give the much needed expectation in a long run remains
to be seen. One thing is clear though, We are in a global economic slump.
Where people want jobs and good pay and less spending.
The best job in world offers the best job.
But will it bring in the spending tourist?
Posted by rexdgrey at 5:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: Personal View
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
The Folly of thinking Big "POWER LOTTO"
Once or many times in our lifetime we tend to do
things in folly. We sometimes think "BIG" and
in the end achieving small or sometimes nothing
at all, Often enough result my end up unrepairable.
At times tend to calculate thing far beyond or far to
short of what actuality is. A rough estimate? Personal
experiences? or the probability of fact?. These and
many more dictate our planing. In any case,failure to
concede what is already obvious are bound to be a
mockery of great magnitude.
Take for example the PCSO's Power-Lotto which is
already beyond descriptive tittle of being a "flop"
Power Lotto was introduced last year as a means of
“spreading the charity virus” by patronizing lottery
games meant to generate funds for the poor.
“Powerlotto is our way of encouraging the more
affluent sectors of our society —the ABC class—
to join the charity bandwagon. They can now help
our less fortunate countrymen and, at the same
time, look forward to winning hundreds of millions
of pesos through lottery games,”
An estimated that the PCSO would generate an
additional P149,940,000 in Charity Fund during the
operation of Power-lotto in the first six months alone.
Dr. Larry Cedro, PCSO spokesman
Here's the link
That's nice, I personally have no problem with it.
I think generating funds to help the poor is a noble
thing to do. But the problem is not the game or
the purpose of the game but how the game is played
to be more specific its the "cost" of game.
First Draw of the renowned Power-lotto was on the
17th of June last year with the pot price of
50 million Pesos. But since then no significant
changes. Last night was the 31th draw of the fabled
Power-lotto and it seems, like previous draws changes
are set at nil (the same). This lack of improvement
regarding the pot prize means a lot of things.
Sales for the power-lotto tickets are extremely low.
Low enough as no changes are manifested in its previous
draws and doubtful if there will ever be in the foreseeable
WHY Then?
I'll try to brake the statement stated
By PCSO beloved spokesman.
And see where everything went wrong.
Power-lotto is our way of encouraging the more
affluent sectors of our society —the ABC class—
to join the charity bandwagon.
In a country that has a population of more than 80
million Filipinos in which 27% are estimated to live
below poverty level and less than 5% can be considered
ABC class. If memory serves right I never known
or meet one (ABC Class) in my whole humble existence.
Try to imagine this, Henry Sy ( a definite Class A, presently
the richest man in the Philippines with net worth amounting
to billions) or any member in his family falling in line on lotto
out-let to buy a power-lotto ticket.
of course not!
Unless he ask someone else to do it for him that would
be a different matter.
At any case enticing the upper class citizens to join
the bandwagon seems to be far too ambitious at this
point. It is a clear certainty however the possibility
of these people (upper class) to join in if the pot prize
hit its peek at 300 to 400 million or above. That is to
say if it gets there in the first place.
Anyway to get to that 9 figure prize it need a breakout
from its starting point of 50 million pesos to be more
specific it needed sales.
which at this present moment, impossible to attain.
Let me point out first, that the odds of winning this
thing is 34,000,000+ to 1. With this in mine there
almost a certain impossibility of even winning.
The cost is P50 per play.
So where did it all failed?
Here is my humble observation. Based on actual
Event no# 1
During the time when power-lotto was introduce to the
public, the country was in the midst of the rice crises.
Anyone can see how sad the food-line were. Young and old
even poor mothers carrying their babies waiting in line
on rice stores to open and this was early in the morning,
just to buy 2 kilos for rice. Now, What can 2 kilos of rice do?
It usually last a maximum of two days or less.
Government supplied rice or better known as NFA rice are
sold to the public with the price tag of P18Php an later
raised to P22Php. So to buy 2 kilos of rice a person need
to have P50Php in hand to feed a family for a mere 2 days
or less. Sad but true. Not to mention other important
daily need. Like I said,The cost of buying a power-lotto ticket
is P50Php. So in a practical sense, Who in "Zeus's butt hole" would
anyone be dumb enough to buy a power-lotto ticket.
One day last year, I went to a local market I decided to buy lotto
tickets (super-lotto ). As usual the lotto out-let was
packed with people. I notice the person beside me was looking
at a power-lotto ticket and asking the lotto operator for some info.
Every one was listening as the operator explain how it was
played and its "supposed possibilities" when the man ask
"how much is it?" the operator answer P50Php. the poor guy
went a gasp he said,
"dios ko! mag lisod man gani kug daug sa uban, kani naba kaha.
Palit ko nalang ni bugas.
( My God! It's hard enough to win already, I'd rather rice than
this )
I also heard other people saying.
"Ari nalang ko sa super dali pa saka premyo, barato pa"
( I'd rather buy super-lotto were the jackpot prize can
easily go up, and it's cheaper as will.)
Another person said:
"Mo palit ko ana, kung ang premyo abot nag P300 million"
(I'll buy a ticket, If the jackpot prize hit P300 million)
we started laughing and unanimously said: "mao" (yeah)
Yet someone said:
"Dili ko palit ana oi, mahal ra"
(I'm not going to buy it, too expensive)
A month after I went to a local mall (SM City Cebu).
I decide to buy a scratch ticket worth P20Php and actually
won P200Php. With the winning money on hand, I decided
to buy my first power-lotto ticket, just for the heck of it.
And man looked at me and said.
"Lisod kaayo na daugong dong"
( Young man!, That's extremely hard to win)
I looked at him and smile.
Though I know, deep inside it will be losing ticket.
Event No# 2
Cost, Cost, Cost
Need I to say more? I guess I should then, for the sake
of writing.
So listen then,
or in this case read carefully then
Since October of last year oil prizes begun to drop, and rice
supplies are increasing dropping prize tags to considerable
level. Yet despite of this the power-lotto scheme failed to
make it's intended mark.
It's high cost per play coupled with it's high probability of losing.
Making it a "flop" wonder.
The Solution!
Reduce cost of play from P50 to P30 per play.
Set the pot prize to P100 Million.
Based on my experience with family, friends and my self .
On average a person is willing to dish out less than P50
a week. Now, if you think this amount fits like a glove to what
the people running the game. Than your DEAD WRONG.
Here's the thing, would you buy if its.?
A. Off the scale chance of losing, expensive (P50 per play) and
with a stagnant jackpot prize.
B. Acceptable chance of losing, Affordable (P10 to P20 per play)
with a sky rocketing jackpot prize.
It's also best to remember that all mankind has a built-in
"take that opportunity at the opportune time" gene embedded
to our DNA. So, base on this logical approach through my illogical
way of thinking, people prefer (like myself) to wait for a bigger
catch (cash) before throwing in the stash.
So, for my final note, the Power-lotto has already hit it's six
months operation. Within that six months no significant change
has been seen or felt.
Did it reached its intended amount of fund for charity? Who knows
At any rate, as experience suggest nobody is buying enough of it.
Hence the "static stance" of the much vaunted POWER-LOTTO"
For PCSO, who's mandate have helped so many. It's best to rethink
why it did not meet expectations. based on what was release by the
PCSO spokesperson.
(I was thinking of putting something here, but I hit a dried lake)
A valuable lesson to this is,
At times when we "think" Big, Let's start it small....
Posted by rexdgrey at 4:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: Personal View