A few days ago, I stumbled a upon an article
offering the Best Job in the world reading
the headline I remembered the great basketball
player Michael Jordan saying during one his
interviews that "Basketball is the greatest job in
the world" or something like that.
Anyway I was a bit curious nonetheless. So I
decided to do some searching. And what
could possibly be this "best job in the world"?

No kidding!
Though not as extremely will paid like those
of a sport super star among other things.
It does certainly make heads turn the
other way.
So lets straighten things out just a little bit.
The Job Description
The job is basically a "caretakers job" in a basic sense of
things, a bit like a janitorial job with a nice view and a mind
bugling stash for a period of six months, not to mention
your own rent free place, 3 bedroom fully furnish shack
with pool.
Not bad huh!
Also once hired other than being the environmental janitor.
Successfully applicants must demonically possess (just kidding)
the following. Must be a blogger or at least know how to write in
English whatever it is his/her doing in the course of the said
contract. Must also posses enough brains to operate a camera and
PC to say the least. And enough pleasing personality to charm the
media in every form.
Now isn't that mouth watering
The Job includes the following activities such as soaking up
Ultra violet rays from the sun(just kidding), swimming, snorkeling,
sailing, scuba diving and in the end of every week he/she get
to report about everything being done so far via blog, video and
pics to the whole world. Applicants should be physically and
psychologically fit to take on the job, should a left falls into the
pool or something. They also mention about feeding the fish.
The Office
While most of us work in an unearthly environment this one
is extremely something else. Successful applicant get to work right
smack in the center of the great barrier reef know for its natural
beauty and everything else in mine. A working environment only
a few could ever experience on a daily basis for a period 6 months.
Walk on white sand beach, feeding the fish, taking pictures and videos
talk to the media write a weekly report. And that's it at least that's
what the ads says...
So to some things up, instead of looking like this...
Applicants may probably look more like this...
Strategical Ploy
People behind the job offer express optimism of the enterprise.
Employing somebody to work and at a same time doing what
tourist do best seems very promising. Filling a vacant spot and
advertising work place is more like hitting two birds with one stone.
With world economy is at it's all time slump one sector that is
heavily affected by this downward spiral is the tourism sector.
By employing one or couple of people may deliver a serious
awareness campaign to the rest of the world.
One things bothering me though.
What ever happened to the previous guy? as in, the guy before?
Global Enthusiasms
The Ads did make a huge ruckus all over the world. With an offering
like this who wouldn't. Somebody even got a tattoo for it. I wont be
surprised if somebody jump off a building just to get some attention.
Or just plain and simple begging.
I wonder if this works
on them. Hire me! when I count to 3
Work Hazards
Being, or in this case working in paradise does have it's perk.
and as one can see in the video, its hard to imagine any esle but fun
under the sun. But if one can think carefully, the various varieties
of birds, plant life, Fish and many more can be a cause of concern.
One can be certain, that not all of them can be friendly to once
health. From killer salt water crocodile, poisonous sea snake, jelly
fish, stingrays, Blue Ringed Octopus and not to mention a occasional
vision from the legendary great white shark.
You name it,they got it and by the looks of it theres
plenty to go around.
So, applicant need to have extensive knowledge of the sea or at least
a high degree of respect. Otherwise a certain enthusiasm can be a
sudden epitaph.
And the Ads says feed a few thousands fish.

Just don't get too personal
Anyways, it seems the job offer may indeed be one of the best.
But will it give the much needed expectation in a long run remains
to be seen. One thing is clear though, We are in a global economic slump.
Where people want jobs and good pay and less spending.
The best job in world offers the best job.
But will it bring in the spending tourist?
offering the Best Job in the world reading
the headline I remembered the great basketball
player Michael Jordan saying during one his
interviews that "Basketball is the greatest job in
the world" or something like that.
Anyway I was a bit curious nonetheless. So I
decided to do some searching. And what
could possibly be this "best job in the world"?
No kidding!
Though not as extremely will paid like those
of a sport super star among other things.
It does certainly make heads turn the
other way.
So lets straighten things out just a little bit.
The Job Description
The job is basically a "caretakers job" in a basic sense of
things, a bit like a janitorial job with a nice view and a mind
bugling stash for a period of six months, not to mention
your own rent free place, 3 bedroom fully furnish shack
with pool.
Also once hired other than being the environmental janitor.
Successfully applicants must demonically possess (just kidding)
the following. Must be a blogger or at least know how to write in
English whatever it is his/her doing in the course of the said
contract. Must also posses enough brains to operate a camera and
PC to say the least. And enough pleasing personality to charm the
media in every form.
Now isn't that mouth watering
The Job includes the following activities such as soaking up
Ultra violet rays from the sun(just kidding), swimming, snorkeling,
sailing, scuba diving and in the end of every week he/she get
to report about everything being done so far via blog, video and
pics to the whole world. Applicants should be physically and
psychologically fit to take on the job, should a left falls into the
pool or something. They also mention about feeding the fish.
The Office
While most of us work in an unearthly environment this one
is extremely something else. Successful applicant get to work right
smack in the center of the great barrier reef know for its natural
beauty and everything else in mine. A working environment only
a few could ever experience on a daily basis for a period 6 months.
Walk on white sand beach, feeding the fish, taking pictures and videos
talk to the media write a weekly report. And that's it at least that's
what the ads says...
So to some things up, instead of looking like this...
Applicants may probably look more like this...
Strategical Ploy
People behind the job offer express optimism of the enterprise.
Employing somebody to work and at a same time doing what
tourist do best seems very promising. Filling a vacant spot and
advertising work place is more like hitting two birds with one stone.
With world economy is at it's all time slump one sector that is
heavily affected by this downward spiral is the tourism sector.
By employing one or couple of people may deliver a serious
awareness campaign to the rest of the world.
One things bothering me though.
What ever happened to the previous guy? as in, the guy before?
Global Enthusiasms
The Ads did make a huge ruckus all over the world. With an offering
like this who wouldn't. Somebody even got a tattoo for it. I wont be
surprised if somebody jump off a building just to get some attention.
Or just plain and simple begging.
I wonder if this works
Work Hazards
Being, or in this case working in paradise does have it's perk.
and as one can see in the video, its hard to imagine any esle but fun
under the sun. But if one can think carefully, the various varieties
of birds, plant life, Fish and many more can be a cause of concern.
One can be certain, that not all of them can be friendly to once
health. From killer salt water crocodile, poisonous sea snake, jelly
fish, stingrays, Blue Ringed Octopus and not to mention a occasional
vision from the legendary great white shark.
plenty to go around.
So, applicant need to have extensive knowledge of the sea or at least
a high degree of respect. Otherwise a certain enthusiasm can be a
sudden epitaph.
And the Ads says feed a few thousands fish.
Just don't get too personal
Anyways, it seems the job offer may indeed be one of the best.
But will it give the much needed expectation in a long run remains
to be seen. One thing is clear though, We are in a global economic slump.
Where people want jobs and good pay and less spending.
The best job in world offers the best job.
But will it bring in the spending tourist?
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