This week, my productivity was low due to my poor
internet connection. It seem to have gotten
worst this week, Though it manage to stabilized
early today but only for a bit, enabling to wok for a
short while. Generally my internet connection sucks
ever since with the exception this which by any
standard was the worst.
I still don't get why the company calls it broadband
internet service, since it's service is pretty much
in the narrow side of things. Now, is vertually early
in the evening making me pretty darn lazy to do any
other work. And it's Sunday tomorrow so no work for me.
Come to think of it, this blog is bigening to become
a rant blog. Anyway, I hope to a good job next week, and
probably work on some good stuff for people to read about.
With the crises and everything I think it would be best
to do just that.

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